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About 7figure$

Manifesting Dreams & Creating Epic Experiences

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Our Story

7figure$ opened its doors in 2020 with a self-publishing operation beginning with its women’s magazine. 7figure$ emphasis is based on highlighting seven women in Christian  business and leadership capacities in each publication. By motivating and empowering women with the Word of God to create wealth beyond seven figures targets our mission has soared. Within three months we reached 18 nations and began our second publication “The UncomMAN focusing on Christian male leadership, impact and dominance in the marketplace. This opened our doors to self-publishing of authors with dreams toauthor their own books of Christian genre.

Since 2020, 7figure$ has opened doors to topics such as mental health relative to adults and chlldren, devotionals, marketplace ministry, textbooks, autobiographies and now documentaries in media for our authors with a dynamic infuential impact. Our clients range from ministers, social workers, NFL, and Olympic Gold athletes. We've only just begun.

Meet The Team

Our Clients

205. 447-8349

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BF Gibson & Associates, LLC

950 22nd Street N. Suite 705

Birmingham, AL 35203-1211

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